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{Review} V Games: Dead Before Dawn by Caroline Peckham

So Many Books, So Little Time

40040199V Games: Dead Before Dawn by Caroline Peckham

Kindle Edition

Published May 11th 2018


~Rating: 5/5 stars~

After the explosive breakout on the Isle of Lidelse, Selena and Varick have made it to safety. But the Helsings are already plotting their revenge and will hunt them to the ends of the earth to have it. Selena must rely on new allies as well as old to remain safe, but trust is not a thing she finds easy anymore.
Soon, she’s forced to decide whether to fight or keep running. But can she stay out of this war, even when whispers of a new game reach her ear? Can she continue to let the Hunters brutally kill girls for the sake of entertainment? Or is it time for her to rise up and put a stop to the games once and for all?


*a copy was provided by the…

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